How to make graphs with colour gradients
This post illustrates how to create a Stata bar chart with conditional colouring.
The colour gradient options were introduced in Stata 18. The code will not work with earlier versions of Stata.
1. Native twoway graphing command
Here is a script that will replicate the figure above:
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. twoway bar FEE_CHANGE id, colorvar(FEE_CHANGE) colorstart(red) colorend(lime) colorcuts(-75(1)75) clegend(off) barwidth(0.9) horizontal ylabel(1(1)27,val labs(small)) ytitle("") xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") xlabel(-75(25)125) name(GRDNT1,replace)
And here is the command split into relevant options, using the do-file syntax:
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. twoway bar FEE_CHANGE id, /// baseline twoway command
colorvar(FEE_CHANGE) /// value of FEE_CHANGE governs the colour for each bar
colorstart(red) colorend(lime) /// colour gradient ranges from red to lime
colorcuts(-75(1)75) /// number of distinct colours. Try: colorrule(lin)
clegend(off) /// getting rid of the colour legend (it's messy)
barwidth(0.9) /// making the bars look nicer
horizontal /// unrelated options from this line onwards
ylabel(1(1)27,val labs(small)) ///
xlabel(-75(25)125) ytitle("") ///
xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") name(GRDNT1,replace)
2. Plot suite
We can make the same chart using the plot suite. This way, we can combine the chart with other complex visual elements:
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. net install plottabs, from("") replace
. ssc install schemepack
. plotmeans FEE_CHANGE, over(id) clear gr(bar) ci(off) colorvar(y_val1) colorstart(red) colorend(lime) colorcuts(-75(1)75) clegend(off) scheme(white_tableau) barwidth(0.9) horizontal ylabel(1(1)27,val labs(small)) ytitle("") xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") xlabel(-75(25)125) name(GRDNT2,replace)
The same command using the do-file syntax:
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. ssc install plottabs
. ssc install schemepack
. plotmeans FEE_CHANGE, over(id) clear gr(bar) ci(off) /// plotmeans options
colorvar(y_val1) colorstart(red) colorend(lime) /// essential gradient options
colorcuts(-75(1)75) /// finer gradient options.
clegend(off) /// getting rid of the legend
barwidth(0.9) /// making the bars look nicer
scheme(white_tableau) /// nicer scheme, thx to Asjad
horizontal ylabel(1(1)27,val labs(small)) ytitle("") /// twoway options
xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") xlabel(-75(25)125) name(GRDNT2,replace)
Note the different variable (y_val1) in colorvar - this is because plot suite stores the plotted data in a separate frame with standardized variable names
3. Coefplot
We can also make the same chart using the coefplot. Doing so however requires running regressions / creating matrices (see below):
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. ssc install coefplot
. ssc install schemepack
. reg FEE_CHANGE, nocons
. coefplot, recast(bar) grid(between glpattern(solid) glcolor(gs15)) colorvar(FEE_CHANGE) colorstart(red) colorend(lime) colorcuts(-75(1)75) clegend(off) barwidth(0.9) scheme(white_tableau) xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") xlabel(-75(25)125) name(GRDNT3,replace)
The same command using the do-file syntax:
. webuse set
. webuse gradient_data, clear
. ssc install coefplot
. ssc install schemepack
. reg FEE_CHANGE, nocons
. coefplot, recast(bar) /// coefplot options
grid(between glpattern(solid) glcolor(gs15)) /// (incl. nicer horizontal grid lines)
colorvar(FEE_CHANGE) /// essential colour gradient options
colorstart(red) colorend(lime) ///
colorcuts(-75(1)75) /// finer gradient options.
clegend(off) /// getting rid of the colour legend
barwidth(0.9) /// making the bars look nicer
scheme(white_tableau) /// nicer scheme, thx to Asjad
xtitle("Change in student fees (%)") xlabel(-75(25)125) name(GRDNT3,replace)